Tuesday, April 26, 2011

'I am a writer, because I write'*

* Jonathan Telfer, Editor of Writing Ma

  I opened my latest copy of Writing Magazine in earnest as I usually do and read through the first few pages to see what was going on in the writing world.  As I read the editors opening comments I could not help but be struck by his parting words, 'I am a writer, because I write.'

  I may have mentioned in previous blogs that I am often reluctant to call myself a writer, I think mainly because I haven't had anything published and not many people read my work anyway.  However this comment seemed so simple.  I do write in my spare time so that must mean, wheher people read it or not, that yes I am a writer.  I enjoy developing the craft and get many things out of it.  It's not just about getting some words down in a logical order.  I find its an invaluable form of escapism to ease some of the stress I get from work and is a chance to disappear into my own worlds and chill out a bit.  It can also be quite therapeutic when you write your boss into a situation (very loosely of course!) and can have them come out the worse off!

Anyway, I have enjoyed having a nice long break over Easter and have actually managed to get a few stories finished.  You never know, I may even put some on here for you lovely folks to give me some feedback on.  That's a hurdle for another day though!

Until next time readers!

H xxx

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Patience and Inspiration...

Hello to everyone!

Firstly I really must apologise for my distinct lack of posts over the past couple of weeks.  It seems like it has been quite a hectic time but if you were to ask me what I've been doing I probably couldn't tell you.  I know for sure one thing that I've been neglecting and that is definitely my writing.

I've started to get a lot of different ideas for stories long and short now but I'm not very good at writing them down.  One of the items on my to do list is to get a small notebook that I can carry around everywhere and jot these ideas down.  It seems to be true what they say though, the more you exercise your writing muscle the more easily it gets to work.  Mine seems to be working constantly, I just need to transfer the thought energy to typing energy and start producing some work. 
My trouble seems to be that whenever I have a thought about what I want to write I skip straight from the initial thought to wanting the piece written straight away.  Another thing I need to work on is definitely my patience.  I have got myself a diary now so I'm trying to plan my work properly so that I don't feel rushed and I do things properly.  Learning patience here I think will certainly help me out in other aspects of my life too.  Not only will I start finishing work I will be able to start letting people read it!

I have also found inspiration from a fellow blogger who has started having some work published in magazines.  I have been studying the Writers Bureua Comprehensive Writing Course and for those of you that don't know much about it the first section is all abouting writing articles for magazines and newspapers.  Until now I have not had much enthusiasm for this kind of writing but I have noticed a few people have had some success now and it has spurred me on to try and break into this area too.  My main problem is that I'm not much for womens magazines or anything to do with celebrity and fashion etc.  This left me wondering what other options were left for me.
So I have purchased a copy of the Writers and Artists Yearbook which lists all magazines currently in circulation and I have made a list of what interests I have and where I'm likely to be interested in publishing.  Hopefully from this I will be able to start putting together suitable articles for the kind of thing I like instead of forcing my brain to think of things I don't know the first thing about.

Anyway, I've just realised that this is a fairly lengthy blog and I hope that you are still reading as far as this!

Until next time readers!

H xx